broken openssl on freebsd60
Russell E. Meek
rmeek at
Mon Nov 28 15:27:24 GMT 2005
Benjamin Thelen wrote:
> Russell E. Meek schrieb:
>> Jeff D. Hamann wrote:
>>>> OpenSSL is in the base system and the library version should be 4, not
>>>> 3. Is there some reason you're installing it from the ports?
>>> I have no idea. I didn't know it was part of the base system, but
>>> when I went to install apache2, postgresql, etc, those ports wanted
>>> to install the openssl port or at least they used to.
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Lowell Gilbert"
>>> <freebsd-questions-local at>
>>> To: "Jeff D. Hamann" <jeff.hamann at>
>>> Cc: <freebsd-questions at>
>>> Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2005 7:29 AM
>>> Subject: Re: broken openssl on freebsd60
>>>> "Jeff D. Hamann" <jeff.hamann at> writes:
>>>>> I should preface this with "I'm not sure if this is correct but I've
>>>>> got a server running that doesn't make exstensive use of openssl and
>>>>> everything seems to run alright for the apps I've been running"...
>>>>> so,
>>>>> I've been trying to install a new server using the openssl port and
>>>>> keep finding problems with the openssl libs...
>>>>> $ pwd
>>>>> /usr/local/lib
>>>>> $ ls -la libssl*
>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 516602 Nov 26 12:23 libssl.a
>>>>> lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 11 Nov 26 12:23 ->
>>>>> -r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 318507 Nov 26 12:23
>>>>> lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 12 Sep 16 09:59 ->
>>>>> -r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 155344 Sep 16 10:00
>>>>> $
>>>>> should those be:
>>>>> lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 12 Sep 16 09:59 ->
>>>>> -r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 155344 Sep 16 10:00
>>>>> or some such thing, because when I attempt to start something like
>>>>> postgresql81, I get:
>>>>> $ psql
>>>>> /libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required
>>>>> by "psql"
>>>>> $
>>>>> I need to get the following apps running on the new FREEBSD 6.0
>>>>> machine:
>>>>> 1) openssl
>>>>> then,
>>>>> 2) apache2
>>>>> 3) subversion
>>>>> 4) uw-imap
>>>>> 5) postgresql81 or postgresql80+postgis
>>>>> 6) php
>>>>> etc, etc, etc and I'm concerned that none of those will work with the
>>>>> current status of openssl on freebsd 6.0. I'm running
>>>>> $ uname -a
>>>>> FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE #1: Fri Nov 18
>>>>> 10:47:37 PST 2005
>>>>> hamannj at amd64
>>>> OpenSSL is in the base system and the library version should be 4, not
>>>> 3. Is there some reason you're installing it from the ports?
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>> Another user had a similar issue like this with OpenSSL, here is what
>> I advised him to do which in the end worked perfectly.
>> Edit your make.conf file *"/etc/make.conf" *and please in the following:
>> *This will cause all future installed ports to build against the base
>> version of OpenSSL rather than trying to install the port version as
>> a dependency.
>> You can then uninstall the port version of openssl
>> *"/usr/ports/security/openssl make deinstall clean"*
>> Once the uninstall is complete, reinstall all OpenSSL required ports
>> either by using portupgrade or by manually deinstalling and then
>> reinstalling the port as they will now build against the base version
>> of OpenSSL.
> Hi,
> I already read your posting a few days ago. What I don't understand
> is, that openssl is per default within the base system, isn't it? So,
> I would suppose that any port, which requires openssl, would take it
> from the base rather than from ports? At least, I never installed a
> port, installing openssl from ports as a dependency (e.g. php5-openssl).
> I don't really get it. Could you explain why this switch in make.conf
> is needed then?
> This would also mean, that I would have to upgrade the base system
> openssl to openssl-beta in order to be able to install OOo-2 as having
> openssl within the base system _and_ openssl-beta as a port obviously
> leads to little confusion.
> Thanks,
> Ben
>> Thanks,
>> Russell
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Sorry about the confusion, make.conf is the global register that all
ports look to for build information.
By default ports requiring dependancies will build these dependancies
according to their individual make file (normally ports.)
(man make.conf) will show you more in depth about what the make.conf is
file and many of the global registers that can be used.
php5-openssl is just a shared extension, how did you install Apache with
OpenSSL? Port or Base?
How are you installing OpenOffice 2 to where it requires OpenSSL, I do
not see OpenSSL as a dependancy?
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