Upgrading to pgsql 8.1 via ports

Francisco Reyes lists at stringsutils.com
Sat Nov 26 00:50:52 GMT 2005

Pat Maddox writes:

>  Should I use postgresql81-server now instead? 


> What do I need
> to do in order to upgrade my system to use pgsql 8.1?

I believe you  need to go a pg_dumpall all to copy data. Also keep a copy of 
your postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf

If you don't have any dependencies on the postgresql ports you can 
pg_dumpall, delete porst, install new ones. If you have dependencies you 
need to use portupgrade or something like it.

As another poster suggested if using portupgrade you will need to use the 
"-o" flag. 

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