Procedure for upgrading CPU

Andrew P. infofarmer at
Mon Nov 21 13:36:41 GMT 2005

On 11/21/05, Mike Loiterman <mike at> wrote:
> I'm thinking of upgrading the CPU in my machine running 6.0-RELEASE with an
> SMP kernel.
> Is it a matter of powering down the machine, swapping chips and powering up?
> Is there anything else I would need to do ahead of time or after the
> upgrade?  Will I need to recompile world, kernel or ports?
> I currently have a 2.8 GHz P4 Prescott (520) and I'm thinking of replacing
> it with a 3.6 GHz P4 Prescott (560J).  Both are 32 bit LGA 775 chips.  The
> motherboard is a SuperMicro P8SGA.
> ------------------------------
> Mike Loiterman
> grantADLER
> Tel: 630-302-4944
> Fax: 773-442-0992
> Email: mike at
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As long as you don't lose any CPU features (e.g.
SSE3 or MMX), which is clearly your case, you're
absolutely safe to just swap the chips.

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