Diagnosing reboot under load

Bill Moran wmoran at potentialtech.com
Mon Nov 7 15:26:20 GMT 2005

Bill Moran <wmoran at potentialtech.com> wrote:

> Micah <micahjon at ywave.com> wrote:
> > I'm running the i386 version of FreeBSD with 1gb ram.  Didn't think to 
> > check this before, but I'm getting ~112-113 volts into the PSU from the 
> > surge strip.  I'm probably going to get a new PSU today.  The parts 
> > store has a couple of 400 watters in the $50 range (a fortron and a 
> > thermaltake).
> I'm coming to this conversation late, so I apologize if this information
> has already been presented.
> Cheap power supplies are a near guarantee that your computer will be
> unstable.  Unfortunately, $cheap doesn't always == quality cheap.
> This article is the best I've ever seen for describing how important
> a PS is to a computer, and how difficult it is to find a reliable one:
> http://www.tomshardware.com/howto/20040122/index.html

My mistake.  This isn't the article I thought it was.  It turns out that
the article I'm thinking of was done in 2002, and it seems as if Tom's
Hardware has been doing regular reviews of PS since.  The original
article was interesting in that it listed several power supplies that
burned out well below their advertised voltage:

I recommend the more recent one as a guage for what manufacturers you
can trust.  Frankly, if you're only spending $50 on a 400W, you're
probably getting a piece of junk - although Fortron has been rating
well in Tom's tests.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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