vinum: Inappropriate ioctl for device

Andrea Venturoli ml.diespammer at
Thu May 26 15:05:08 PDT 2005

jd wrote:
> I am trying to set up Vinum on a new system, and I get the error message:
> "vinum: Inappropriate ioctl for device".
> Here are the details:
> - FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE

I'd be glad if someone steps in and says I'm wrong, but AFAIK vinum is 
not supported anymore on new releases.
At least in my experience it stopped working when I upgraded from 5.2.1 
to 5.3, producing continuous crashes until I switched to gmirror.
You might want to look at gvinum, but last I checked it wasn't quite 


P.S. Please, let me know if you manage to make it.

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