Spam/AV filtering

Warren Block wblock at
Tue May 17 07:48:16 PDT 2005

On Tue, 17 May 2005, Charles Lamb wrote:

> Would I want to enable milter with clamav?

Depending on your needs, maybe.  The clamav-milter lets sendmail reject 
mail containing viruses immediately, rather than having to receive them 
and then filter them later.

You should also investigate greylisting, which has very little downside 
and is the most effective antispam measure I've seen yet.

Here's something I wrote on that a while back.  It needs to be updated, 
but it should give an idea:

The default delay introduced by milter-greylist is 30 minutes.  From 
what I've seen in log files, this could probably be reduced to even five 
minutes and still be effective.  Most spamware and viruses don't retry 
even once.

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA

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