no route to host - urgent problem

Vladimir Dvorak dvorakv at
Wed Mar 16 23:27:14 PST 2005

Laszlo Zsolt Nagy wrote:

> Hi All!
> I could compile a new kernel (4.8 p27). It logs in to an ADSL line 
> with ppp (tun0 created). But I cannot ping even myself.
> This is a router, the other device is connected to a local network 
> 172.16.0/20
> messias>ping
> ping:sendto:no route to host
> messias>netstat -nr
> Destination      Gateway      Flags   Refs   Use   Netif    Expire
>      UH      1      3      lo0
> 172.16.0/20   link#2   UC   3   0   rl0
> I dot see the gateway here  (Flags: G) but it should work for 
> without it.
> ARP is also working, the physical connection is okay on the LAN:
> messias>arp
> ? ( at 00:50:1d:5f:18:20 on rl0 [ethernet]
> I also tried this:
> messias>route add default
> The default gateway  became "  UGSc rl0". Despite this:
> messias>ping
> PING ( 56 data bytes
> ping: sendto: No route to host
> "named" does not work either. It is started but when I start nslookup 
> it says 'No response from server'.
> Is it a missing 'options' from the kernel config? The same machine was 
> working before with the same setting
> but a different kernel (GENERIC). Unfortunately, I need to do this 
> within 1 hour. Employees are coming
> and they will cut my neck....
>   Laci

Try to turn off your firewall first. ( pfctl -d or something similar if 
using ipfw ) I hope this helps.


 Vladimir Dvorak
* VDSOFT.ORG           dvorakv at      *
* (+420) 602 944 941 *

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