Question about install. (two hard drives, install freebsd on second)

CARRIE WUERFEL evergreenicecream at
Wed Mar 16 22:02:05 PST 2005

I am currently stuck running Windows Me on a Dell Desktop Pentium 3 1ghrtz with 512mb ram.  I recently dusted off a old hard drive that contains a whole 2 gigs of hard drive space.  I have installed the hard disk drive and am wanting to install "FreeBsd" on it.  Before I go about mucking things up, I just wanted to make sure that when I go to install FreeBsd it will not mess up the existing hard drive.  I have business and payroll progs on it.  I am also wondering if when installing there is an actual question asked by the installation prog for destination.  Sorry to be asking a stupid question, and I swear I read through your installation info until my eyes dried out and couldn't find the answers, so that is why I am bothering you.  I did try to find the answer first.  Anyways any help would be cool as I would really like to start relearning another operating system.


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