Help Samba3 seems broke for me...

freebsduser at freebsduser at
Fri Mar 11 08:38:44 PST 2005

-------------- Original message -------------- 

> Hash: SHA1 
> On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 freebsduser at wrote: 
> > Hiya folks, 
> > 
> > Like a goof I didn't ask portupgrade to back up my beautiful Samba3.0.5 and 
> when I went to Samba3.0.11 everything in Samba went to pot, IMO. 
> > 
> > The only upside is that in my ports/distfiles is a nifty file named 
> samba-3.0.5.tar.gz. 
> > 
> > The question I have is how can I build from that 3.0.5 tar file? 
> > 
> > Help is greatly appreciated :) 
> Hi, 
> first, you could check out an earlier version of the ports tree. 
> Thu Jul 22 14:38:05 2004 UTC was the exact time, the 3.0.5 went into 
> ports. 
> But!! 
> why don't you tell us, what exactly is not working or bad with 
> samba-3.0.11? it would be much better to fix the bug's or solve the 
> problems you are expiriencing instead of going back to an old version and 
> getting back all the bad bugs which are fixed in 3.0.11. 
> awaiting your detailed problem report for 3.0.11 
> Joerg  
I'll have to compile it. When I get that done I'll list what ever issue(s) I am having.
Since I have two machines, and I was thinking the second one was being tempermental that's when I decided to take the first computer and also put 3.0.11 on and had the same problem (I'll list the problem(s) I'm having when I get it finished and set up as per )
While I'm compiling 3.0.11 on one system, what would I need to do to get 3.0.5 back on the other? I found portdowngrade but I've never used cvs before and tried going through the tutorials but they seem rather cryptic, or perhaps lacking because a few years back I remember them being a bit more user friendly ( )
Thanks for your assistance.

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