FreeBSD basic networking

rizazoe zigkod at
Tue Mar 1 10:24:03 GMT 2005

I'm trying to test FreeBSD Basic networking
I've connected my BSDbox to a D-link 624.
I'va also connected A WinXP to the Dlink router
Both are connected by ethernet cable
The trouble is my BSDbox can seem to ping the Winxp
but the Winxp can ping my BSD box
 ----     Router       ------- 
|BSD |--- DLink 624---| Win XP|
 ----                  -------

Is it something wrong with my ip address, but aren't
they in the same subnet?
Do i Have to add ip route or add something to the
routed in the FreeBSD box?
I'm sorry if the question is dumb or annoying but
please help

sAVe tHe raINfOreSt

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