./configure question

Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Thu Jun 16 21:59:51 GMT 2005

Denny White wrote:
[ ... ]
> Okay, I messed up again. I described it wrong
> before. I should've said, if I do
> /usr/src/contrib/binutils/./configure -args
> It works okay. I found that with locate.

Are you trying to build src/contrib/binutils?  What for?

> Could I have messed up scripts in /usr/ports
> or somewhere else when I rebuilt everything?

Dunno.  What is the problem you have with ports?

> I never had to add any path to ./configure
> before. After I wrote this message, I thought
> about paths & did some looking with locate.
> That's what seems to be my problem. Wrong
> path in env, something missing, etc.

Run the script command.  Do something which shows what you think is a problem. 
  Exit from the shell, and paste the contents of the "typescript" file created 
into email so you can show exactly what the error message is.


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