pptp with mppe on freebsd

Mark Jayson Alvarez jay2xra at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 16 06:15:23 GMT 2005

  I'm trying to connect my lan to a remote lan through

I followed the instructions on
http://www.freebsddiary.org/pptp.php and created a
ppp.conf like this:

 set authname "myusername"
 set authkey "mypassword"
 set timeout 0
 set ifaddr 0 0
 alias enable yes

Now when I lauched pptp:
# pptp "vpnserver" UPVPN

I got these errors:

anon warn[open_inetsock:pptp_callmgr.c:312]: connect:
Operation timed out
anon fatal[callmgr_main:pptp_callmgr.c:121]: Could not
open control connection t
o "vpnserver's ip"
anon fatal[open_callmgr:pptp.c:379]: Call manager
exited with error 256

Looking at /var/messages, I can see something like
this, but I don't know if it has something to do with
the error.

Jun 16 13:04:14 tmc pptp[20182]: anon
log[main:pptp.c:219]: The synchronous pptp option is
NOT activated

There is this site: 

which discusses how to set up pptpclient on NetBSD and
there he mentioned about installing the PPPD-MPPE
package which I did't do in my FreeBSD box since I
failed to find the said pacakge in /usr/ports. I have
a slight idea that I really need to have this
installed because when I look at the properties page
of my vpn connection using a windows machine, I can
see this details:

device Name      WAN Miniport(PPTP)
Device Type      vpn
Server Type      PPP
Transports       TCP/IP
Authentication   MS CHAPv2
Encryption       MPPE 128
Compression      (none)
PPP multilink    Off
ServerIP Address
ClientIP Address

Here's my LAN setup:

LAN ------>PCRouter/proxy----->Cisco Router---->cloud

Private computer on LAN access Internet through a dual
homed pcrouter/proxy server. In  this kind of setup,
is it possible that those private machine on LAN be
connected to the remote private LAN through a pptp
tunnel? I've already done this on Windows and there,
it has an option for internet sharing, and I'm
wondering if I can do the same with freebsd.

Any idea?

Thanks a lot!

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