odd disk activity
D. Goss
lists at dylangoss.com
Wed Jun 15 06:35:44 GMT 2005
On Jun 14, 2005, at 9:37 PM, Juha Saarinen wrote:
> On 6/15/05, D. Goss <lists at dylangoss.com> wrote:
>> I've got a bit of a general question - sorry if this is vague.
>> I recently ran some memory tests that were posted in the list earlier
>> - they are bootable CD images. Each one hung in it's standard
>> configuration and I put them aside until later to look into in more
>> detail. In the meantime I've noticed that one of my hard drives can
>> not be found on the SCSI bus...
>> Normally with this test server the drives are as follows:
>> da0s1 = 18GB U160 as boot volume with system and all data
>> da1s1 = 36GB U320 emtpy
>> da2s1 = 36GB U320 emtpy
>> da3s1 = 36GB U320 emtpy
>> da4s1 = 36GB U320 emtpy
>> The four test drives have been mountable (up until now) -
>> mount /dev/da1s1 /mnt/misc1
>> mount /dev/da2s1 /mnt/misc2
>> etc...
>> but now I'm getting
>> # mount /dev/da4d1 /mnt/misc4
>> mount: /dev/da4d1: No such file or directory
> Did you mean to type:
> # mount /dev/da4s1 /mnt/misc4
> instead?
# camcontrol inquiry da1
pass1: <IBM-ESXS ST336753LC FN B855> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3
pass1: Serial Number 3HX07J9W000073XXXXXX
pass1: 320.000MB/s transfers (160.000MHz, offset 63, 16bit), Tagged
Queueing Enabled
# camcontrol inquiry da2
pass2: <LSILOGIC 1030 IM 1000> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-2 device
pass2: 320.000MB/s transfers (160.000MHz, offset 127, 16bit), Tagged
Queueing Enabled
# camcontrol inquiry da3
pass3: <IBM-ESXS MAS3367NC FN C901> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3
pass3: Serial Number A0F9P4XXXXXX
pass3: 320.000MB/s transfers (160.000MHz, offset 127, 16bit), Tagged
Queueing Enabled
# camcontrol inquiry da4
camcontrol: cam_lookup_pass: CAMGETPASSTHRU ioctl failed
cam_lookup_pass: No such file or directory
cam_lookup_pass: either the pass driver isn't in your kernel
cam_lookup_pass: or da4 doesn't exist
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