mismatch results with disk performance

Dmitry Mityugov dmitry.mityugov at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 19:44:07 GMT 2005

On 6/9/05, scuba at centroin.com.br <scuba at centroin.com.br> wrote:
> Hi,
>         No one else has seem this?
>         I upgraded to 5.4 and the problem was kept.
>         Should it be a problem with ICH5 driver?
> On Tue, 7 Jun 2005 scuba at centroin.com.br wrote:

Please bear with me, I just can't figure out what the original problem
was. Was it that any IDE HDD attached to the 2ndary IDE controller
always works very slow? Or was it that an IDE HDD attached as slave
always works very slow? I can try to reproduce this on weekend, I just
need to understand what should I look for.


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