portupgrade, automake14 -> automake19

Dan Nelson dnelson at allantgroup.com
Thu Jun 9 16:08:44 GMT 2005

In the last episode (Jun 09), Tony Shadwick said:
> Could someone give me a quick hint on switching from automake14 to
> automake19 using the ports tree without wreaking total havock on
> dependencies? :)

The numbered auto* ports install into separate directories, so there is
nothing to be done.  Install the automake19 port and start running
"automake19" instead of "automake14".  Both ports will live happily
side by side.  If you are talking about updating a port to use a
different version of automake, just edit the WANT_AUTOMAKE_VER line in
the Makefile.

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at allantgroup.com

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