FreeBSD Co-location

dgmm freebsd01 at
Mon Jun 6 08:50:17 GMT 2005

On Sunday 05 June 2005 22:43, Vinicius Pavanelli Vianna wrote:
> I'm looking for FreeBSD co-located servers on united states or any other
> country that have good internet connections, for a secondary backup of
> data and web host for the company I work to, sorry for this OT message,
> but could any of you send me good sites where i can find this? Is
> difficult to judge well too outside of this market.

Have you considered the implications of storing data out of country?  There 
may be laws relating to your data and what you can do with it either local to 
you or local to where you store it.

Depending on the data, it may be a non-issue, but I know of at least one 
company who's been bitten by this.


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