Shell scripts, SSH sessions, and for loops, oh my!
Gary W. Swearingen
garys at
Mon Jul 25 05:47:47 GMT 2005
Damian Gerow <dgerow at> writes:
> I'm trying to write a shell script that runs a for loop in an SSH session.
> Simply, I'm trying to do this:
> for HOST in `cat hostnames` ; do
> ssh ${HOST} "for PROCESS in 01 02 ; do echo '${PROCESS}' ; done"
> done
> But because this is run in a script, that gets translated to:
> for HOST in `cat hostnames` ; do
> ssh ${HOST} "for PROCESS in 01 02 ; do echo '' ; done"
> done
Here's a few clues (assuming you really want the single quotes in there):
echo "THIS is SHELL: '\$SHELL'"
echo "THIS is SHELL: '"'$SHELL'"'"
echo 'THIS is SHELL: '\''$SHELL'\'
which all give
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