ps -awux

Greg 'groggy' Lehey grog at
Wed Jul 20 23:07:03 GMT 2005

On Wednesday, 20 July 2005 at 13:08:25 +0000, jdyke wrote:
> Akhthar Parvez. K wrote:
>> Hello,
>> When I run the command ps -awux from a user's bash shell(not root), it's
>> listing the processes under the particular user only. Can anyone tell me
>> why?
> -u matches user
> man ps

This is not the way you think.  u specifies specific user-related
attributes, but not for a specific user:

     -u      Display information associated with the following keywords: user,
             pid, %cpu, %mem, vsz, rss, tt, state, start, time, and command.
             The -u option implies the -r option.

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