FTP issue

Dan Nelson dnelson at allantgroup.com
Sat Jan 29 21:31:49 PST 2005

In the last episode (Jan 29), black starfish said:
> Well, im taking over a bad server set up.
> Its all kinds of crazy f---ed up.
> On the windows side some one puts up and .html file thru an FTP
> client. Then at some point between the transfer the file is copied
> over and the page is blank, and in the ftp clinet window it says
> 0kb.. when the original is 1 mb...

I'd suggest removing apache and MSIE ftp out of the picture entirely
for now.  Use ftp.exe on the windows end to send the file, and log onto
the server and use ls -l to watch the file size directly.  MSIE's ftp
mode is incredibly bad at returning error messages back to the user.

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at allantgroup.com

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