custom periodic scripts

Paul Schmehl pauls at
Fri Jan 28 15:58:56 PST 2005

--On Friday, January 28, 2005 10:32:35 PM +0000 Xian <ian at> 

> How would I go about adding scripts to periodic? I particular I have a
> couple  of scripts to fetch virus definitions and scan my system.
> I gathered the is a 'proper' way to do it by using
> /usr/local/etc/periodic but  not how to do it.

Write the script.  Put it in /etc/periodic/{period you want}
Name it (as in some number that isn't already used.  Scripts are 
run in numerical order.)
Make it executable for root.
Edit the /etc/periodic.conf file to enable it.  See the man page for 
details, but the syntax is period_scriptname_enable="YES"

For example, write a script name "foo".  Make it and put it in 
/etc/periodic/daily.  Chown it root:wheel and chmod it 750.  Edit 
/etc/periodic.conf to read daily_foo_enable="YES".

Paul Schmehl (pauls at
Adjunct Information Security Officer
The University of Texas at Dallas
AVIEN Founding Member

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