Witch apache, mysql and php do i need ?

Gert Cuykens gert.cuykens at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 15:48:01 PST 2005

On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:44:04 +0000, Matthew Seaman
<m.seaman at infracaninophile.co.uk> wrote:
> Those are just the defaults.  You can override them by putting:
>     WITH_APACHE2=yes
>     APACHE_PORT=www/apache21
> into /etc/make.conf
> There are quite a few similar variables you can set to control choice
> of dependency where there are several versions of a port that could
> work equally well.  Unfortunately (for historical reasons) such usage
> isn't completely standardised: some ports do it /this/ way, others do
> it /that/ way.  The large blocks of comments at the beginning of most
> of the files within /usr/ports/Mk are the most complete guides to
> what's available.

ok thx i did that but when i do this i dont see the things it is going
to install on my pc ?

7rxI# pwd
7rxI# make pretty-print-run-depends-list
This port requires package(s) "grep: /usr/ports/INDEX-5: No such file
or directory
" to run.
7rxI# make pretty-print-build-depends-list

How can i show the list of dependencies ?

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