Anthony Atkielski atkielski.anthony at
Wed Jan 19 12:10:11 PST 2005

faisal gillani writes:

fg> hmmm exactly right .. u know i have a 750MHz At halon
fg> with 256MB ram .. & still my processor is 80% idle
fg> most of the time ..
fg> i also have some windows server on my network but
fg> thats a compulsory rather then choice .

I'm gradually migrating legacy aps off my older NT server and I think it
might be extremely interesting to install FreeBSD on that machine once
it is free--if only I could persuade it to boot from diskette (for some
reason, the diskette drive no longer seems to be recognized by the OS).
It's an old HP Vectra, but like all vintage HP high-end machines, it
still works perfectly, after nearly a decade of continuous use.

Can anyone tell me how to install FreeBSD on a machine that is running
Windows NT and refuses to boot from CD or from diskette?  I don't
suppose there's any magic program I could run from NT that would start a
FreeBSD installation, is there?


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