Software mirgration from Windows for my friend

Karol Kwiatkowski freebsd at
Sat Jan 15 03:09:39 PST 2005

Sergei Gnezdov wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to consider if my friend can migrate from windows.  Do you know
> of a good user friendly alternatives (may be not as powerful)?  I might
> be able to answer most of the items, but I'd like to make sure that I
> know about the options:

Hello Sergei,

Here's short list what I use / would use:

> Alternatives for:
> - MS Office XP.  I don't think he has very complex documents.


> - ACDSE 5.0, Photoshop.  I am not convinced that he edits or creates
> images.

GIMP (to create/modify images)

> - WinRAR and WinZIP

There are several command line tools in /usr/ports/archivers.
As for GUI: If you're using KDE there's ARK in kdeutils. Gnome should
have something similar.

> - WinAMP


> - Virtual CD

don't know this software

> - Some kind of CD Burner

burncd with mkisofs works great if you don't mind command line.
K3b (/usr/ports/sysutils/k3b) is great if you like GUI .

> - Some DVD Player
> - AC3filter

mplayer (all you need is in there already)

> - Decoding DVD to AVI (I have no idea why anybody would need this)

I cannot comment on this but mplayer is supposed to do that.



Karol Kwiatkowski  <freebsd at orchid dot homeunix dot org>

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