Defining MAKE_ARGS in pkgtools.conf

Bill Schmitt (SW) software at
Wed Jan 12 15:43:13 PST 2005

Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> On 2005-01-12 18:28, "Bill Schmitt (SW)" <software at> wrote:
>>So, in the pkgtools.conf file, I added:
>>  'deskutils/moregroupware' => 'WITH_APACHE2 WITH_MODULES'
>>But, when I execute portupgrade moregroupware, I receive a message that
>>make: don't know how to make WITH_APACHE2. Stop
> Try setting the make options to something... anything, it doesn't
> matter.  make(1) sees that the respective command-line arguments do not
> contain an '=' character and assumes they are not make variables, but
> targets to be made from the port source.  For example, try this:
> 	MAKE_ARGS = {
> 	  'deskutils/moregroupware' => 'WITH_APACHE2=yes WITH_MODULES=yes',
> 	}
> This should work fine.
That seems to have done it. Thanks.

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