I quit

Scott Bennett bennett at cs.niu.edu
Tue Jan 11 01:42:32 PST 2005

     On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 12:11:38 -0500 Chuck Swiger <cswiger at mac.com>

>Scott Bennett wrote:
>>      On Sun, 9 Jan 2005 19:01:26 -0600 David Kelly <dkelly at HiWAAY.net>
>> wrote:
>[ ... ]
>>      That may be true.  I don't really know because I haven't looked at
>> Darwin source.  However, essentially everything in NextStep above the
>> kernel that was not part of the OOPS was taken directly from 4.3BSD.
>...or from the FSF, or from Sun, or from CMU, or from MIT, or from Adobe, 

     Well,  well.  So Steve Jobs now thinks UNIX "utilities" might be
important after all?  Wonders never cease...
>Almost all of the compiler toolchain was GNU, Sun provided minor things like 
>NFS, NIS, and RPC, CMU provided Mach itself, and together with MIT provided 
>AFS and X11, Adobe provided PostScript, fonts & font management, and DPS.
>>>BSD tradition Apple freely picked from here and there, whatever they 
>>>thought best, and made what can only be said to be their own.

     Looks great.
>>      Keep in mind that Mach 2.x *was* a heavily modified 4.3BSD kernel.
>> Mach 3.x and later is not.
>The NeXT Mach 2.5 kernel was not a modified BSD kernel.

     Sigh.  It was indeed.  Keep reading.
>It was a monolithic kernel which supported dynamic loading of kernel objects, 
>Mach messaging and exception handling (rather than BSD signals, which were 
>emulated for BSD compatibility purposes), SMP & NUMA aSMP, and an integrated 
>task/thread paradigm unrelated to normal BSD process semantics, etc.
     All that stuff was hacked onto a 4.3BSD kernel.  That's how Mach 2
got its start.  The CMU folks did not start out be reinventing the wheel,
the transmission, the engine, etc.  Much 4.3BSD stuff was replaced at CMU,
and much was simply added onto it, but the source they started with was
4.3BSD.  Mach stopped using a 4.3BSD-based kernel at Mach 3.0, which was the
first microkernel release of Mach.  NEXTSTEP didn't make the leap to the
Mach 3.x architecture.  If Mac OSX/Darwin has done so, then that's great.
If not, then a great opportunity was missed.

                                  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:       bennett at cs.niu.edu                              *
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