Sony autoloader

Dan Nelson dnelson at
Fri Jan 7 22:28:47 PST 2005

In the last episode (Jan 07), Jeff Tollison said:
>  pciconf -lv for the slot says:
> none2 at pci1:7:0: class=0x010000 card=0x80101191 chip=0x80101191 rev=0x01
> hdr=0x00
>     vendor   = 'Acard Technology Corp'
>     device   = 'ATP870 Ultra Wide SCSI Contoller (AEC6712UW)'
>     class    = mass storage
>     subclass = SCSI

Unfortunately, I don't think there are any FreeBSD drivers for Acard
controllers.  There are about 3 requests a year asking about Acard
support, so unless one of them volunteers to write a driver, you may be
better off getting a cheap Adaptec or Symbios card.

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at

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