Problem when SSH-ing to FreeBSD 5.3 using PuTTY?

Subhro subhro.kar at
Fri Jan 7 03:28:53 PST 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-freebsd-questions at [mailto:owner-freebsd-
> questions at] On Behalf Of Olaf Greve
> Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 16:53
> To: freebsd-questions at
> Subject: Problem when SSH-ing to FreeBSD 5.3 using PuTTY?
> Hi all,
> On two distinct machines (both running FreeBSD 5.3 release, one is the
> AMD-64 version, the other is the i386 version) I am experiencing
> problems when trying to SSH to the machine using PuTTY.
> PuTTY shows the login prompt just fine, but when entering the proper
> username/password (yes, I am positive I typed it correctly -multiple
> times, in fact- :) ). Yet, for some reason this combination does not
> seem to get accepted.
> Does anyone know the reason for this (note: I am not starting the SSH
> daemon from inetd)? Is there perhaps some (new) setting that changed
> between 5.2.1 and 5.3 that causes this, or am I doing something else
> terribly wrong? :)
> Thanks in advance for any answers, and cheers!
> Olafo
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Can we have the putty connect logs? Also is anything shown up in the
syslogs? Are you sure the host is not in the deny list? Last but not the
least, I would prefer a S/Key authentication more than a normal interactive
password based authentication. Have you tried that?


Indian Institute of Information Technology
Subhro Sankha Kar
Block AQ-13/1, Sector V
Salt Lake City
PIN 700091
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