Configuring POSTFIX to use mutiple email accounts

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Thu Jan 6 02:53:09 PST 2005

Gerard Seibert wrote:
> I am trying to solicit some information on how to configure 'postfix'
> to accommodate multiple IP addresses.

Postfix normally performs MX lookups via DNS to figure out where to send mail, 
although you can override that for specific cases via a transport table.

> I have several email accounts. I use them for newsgroups, forums, etc.
> Most of the accounts use different 'SMTP' and 'POP' settings. However,
> in two cases, they use the same 'SMTP' and 'POP' addresses. I have not
> been able to find any definitive information on how to configure
> 'postfix' to handle this.

Postfix is an MTA, it doesn't have anything to do with POP.
That's up to a mail client (MUA) like Mozilla or pine.


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