Passing options to a 'make install clean'

Matthew Seaman m.seaman at
Tue Jan 4 09:24:00 PST 2005

Michael C. Shultz wrote:

> I never install anything that causes gcc to be rebuilt, if something 
> needs that it stays off my machines!  Are you running an old FreeBSD 
> version by any chance? If so maybe you would be better off
> going to FreeBSD 5-Stable which has a nice up to date gcc as part of the 
> base system.

Unfortunately the OpenOffice port still insists on installing gcc-3.2 
even on FreeBSD 5.3, where the standard compiler is gcc-3.4.2 based. 
Not only that, but the port drags in some old Mozilla code which somehow 
isn't listed as a distfile of any port but that portaudit throws a 
wobbly about in the middle of compilation unless you tell it to 
DISABLE_VULNERABILITIES.  The OpenOffice port really is a bit of a 
monster: non-gurus are strongly advised to install OpenOffice via packages.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       8 Dane Court Manor
                                                       School Rd
PGP:         Tilmanstone
Tel: +44 1304 617253                                  Kent, CT14 0JL UK
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