
Daniel S. Haischt me at daniel.stefan.haischt.name
Tue Feb 22 14:48:28 GMT 2005

First of all I have to admit that I am not a Sendmail
expert cause I am now using Postfix for years ...

I had the same effect while using Postfix because I
was re-injecting mails into Postfix. You must guarantee
that you are not re-injecting mails into Sendmail

I for instance did setup the following mail chain

  -> Internet
        `-> my Postfix MTA
             |           ^
             |           |
             `-> ClamAV -´
             `-> DSPAM
                   `-> Cyrus

As you can see my ClamAV virus scanner re-injects
a mail message back to Postfix, but DSPAM finally
delivers the message (e.g. to an IMAP daemon).

Do you want to deliver your mail message to an
IMAP or POP server?

Olga Zenkova schrieb:
> Yes, it looks like a loop. But in
> /usr/local/etc/dspam.conf I have only:
> TrustedDeliveryAgent   "/usr/sbin/sendmail"
> The other such strings are commented out.
> --- "Daniel S. Haischt"
> <me at daniel.stefan.haischt.name> wrote:
>>Maybe you did setup a mail delivery loop by
>>How did you configure the TrustedDeliveryAgent
>>in /usr/local/etc/dspam.conf?
>>For example did you setup TrustedDeliveryAgent to
>>to the cyrus deliver agent or to procmail etc.?
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Mit freundlichen Gruessen / With kind regards
DAn.I.El S. Haischt

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