Telnet and FTP issues on 5.3

Dan Nelson dnelson at
Thu Feb 10 10:42:10 PST 2005

In the last episode (Feb 10), Dixit, Viraj said:
> I have been searching for few days everywhere an answer to this
> question. Is there a way to stop telnet access for a group let's say
> ftponly but allow them to have FTP access in FreeBSD 5.3. I know this
> works in my old system BSD OS 4.3. The commands are like this in
> login.conf file in BSD OS 4.3.
> #restrict telnet for ftponly group only
> ftponly:\
>    :auth-network=reject:\
>    :auth-ftp=passwd:

One way to do this is to set the user's shell to /usr/sbin/nologin and
add /usr/sbin/nologin to the /etc/shells file.  They won't be able to
telnet or ssh in, but they will be able to ftp.

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at

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