BSD Question's.

Ted Mittelstaedt tedm at
Mon Dec 26 03:04:56 PST 2005

>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-freebsd-questions at
>[mailto:owner-freebsd-questions at]On Behalf Of dick hoogendijk
>Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2005 5:54 AM
>To: freebsd-questions
>Subject: Re: BSD Question's.
>On 24 Dec Danial Thom wrote:
>> Schwab Streetsmart
>> Accounting Software (CA)
>> Quicken
>> Photoshop
>> Adobe Acrobat (for creating PDFs)
>> Those are the ones I use daily. Surely there are
>> some half-assed alternatives for some of these,
>> but if I have to use something inferior to use
>> FreeBSD then thats a point against it.
>NO. It's not a point against the OS. It merely demonstrates why lots of
>people stay with windows. NOT because the OS is better, but its support
>by *third party soft-hardware* is better.
>Windows itself (the OS) is worse than FreeBSD (imho). Those 3th party
>people are responsable for the leading role of microsoft.
>Not MS itself.

No, not really.  It's circumstances that are responsible for the leading
role of Microsoft.  Remember, Windows still has DOS in it, and DOS is
about 10 years older than FreeBSD.  Microsoft got a big head start
at the right time.

I wouldn't worry about it, though.  Truth is that the computer market has
fundamentally changed.  It's now a market that caters to the unwashed
masses, and such markets naturally fall into either a monopoly, or
a level of standardization that there's minor product differentiation
the leaders, so they may as well be a monopoly.

Take the automobile market, fundamentally most passenger vehicles
look and act the same, burn the same fuel, use the same tires/batteries/
etc. and cost the same.

Same with the soft drink market, same with the cell phone market, etc.

In order for UNIX to become the dominant OS it would have to change to
be almost exactly like Windows, and would certainly have to be
completely compatible, able to run Windows binaries out of the box,
etc.  OS/2 was like this at one time, if you remember.  You would
end up with 2 similar operating systems, one made by Microsoft
the other made by RedHat (or whoever) and essentially the same

If Digital Research had caught on early enough, we would have
had DOS and DR-DOS pretty much equivalent markets.  That
would have ended up with equivalent Windows 3.1's and later
Windows 95's.

We really are better off with UNIX in the minority, that gives it a
freedom to explore new ideas that Windows lacks. It's no
surprise that most of the eye candy in Windows today was
ripped off of various X window managers.


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