IPv6: routing on the local LAN

Dan Langille dan at langille.org
Sat Dec 24 09:38:03 PST 2005

Gidday folks,

I have an IPv6 routing problem within my LAN behind the gateway.

I have an IPv6 tunnel supplied by Hurricane Electric.  The tunnel is 
setup and working.  From my gateway I can access various IPv6 
websites (e.g http://www.kame.net).  I have enabled rtadvd(8) on my 
gateway.  For the netstat, ifconfig, etc, see [1].

>From a computer inside my gateway, I cannot ping anything, not even 
the gateway.  I suspect it's because the routing tables are not being 
set up on the gateway.  I expected the system to do that 
automatically.  I also expected fxp0 to get an IPv6 address out of 
this.  Did I guess wrong?  I suspect that if I can get fxp0 on the 
gateway, all will be well.  If not, I think Ineed to set up static 

The workstation inside the LAN has the config shown in [2].  

Checking via tcpdump on the gateway, I can see pings from the client 
hitting the internal NIC (fxp1) and going out the IPv6 tunnel (gif0).

In case I've missed something about setting up the tunnel, the 
details are [3].

Suggestions, comments, thanks.

[1] Gateway - <http://www.langille.org/tmp/ipv6-config-gateway.txt>
[2] Client - <http://www.langille.org/tmp/ipv6-config-client.txt>
[3] Tunnel - <http://www.langille.org/tmp/ipv6-config-tunnel.txt>
Dan Langille : http://www.langille.org/
BSDCan - The Technical BSD Conference - http://www.bsdcan.org/

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