default password of toor

Jerry McAllister jerrymc at
Fri Dec 23 11:29:55 PST 2005

> what is the default password of toor cause i have forgotton my roots 
> password so any one could help me in recovering ?

There is no default password for the toor account.
It is just an account with another name that has root's UID (0).
You can create one for yourself with any name you want and just
give it a UID of 0.

But, if you have forgotten your root password, you will have to
do a single user boot (boot -s), fsck and remount / and then
set a password for root (or toor or your personal root account).

NOTE:  you will have to give toor a real shell if you want to use it for 
       a login.   You will need to have a root login or be in single user 
       mode for doing that.   Use vipw(8) to do that.


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