Download the whole ports tree

Kövesdán Gábor gabor.kovesdan at
Sat Dec 17 09:13:07 PST 2005

Michael C. Shultz wrote:

>On Saturday 17 December 2005 09:03, Kövesdán Gábor wrote:
>>RW wrote:
>>>On Saturday 17 December 2005 07:54, Kris Kennaway wrote:
>>>>Well, if you really think you want this, then just:
>>>>cd /usr/ports
>>>>make fetch
>>>Just idle curiosity, but does anyone have a feeling for how much that
>>>would download?
>>This would not fetch all of the distfiles, because there are broken
>>ports that are unfetchable and the fetching would stop when reaching the
>>first such port.
>>Gabor Kovesdan
>Even with:  make fetch -i  ?
Haven't tried, but I suppose it would be okay with -i.

Gabor Kovesdan

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