Newbie problems with svscan and arp

Odhiambo Washington wash at
Fri Dec 16 09:30:48 PST 2005

* On 16/12/05 07:23 -0800, manish jain wrote:
> Hi,
>  I am trying my hand at FreeBSD administration and would greatly appreciate
>  assistance with some problems I am facing with setting up mail
>  services and the network properly.
>  My system has 2 network cards (rl0 and dc0). rl0 has been assigned a local
>  IP ( and dc0 has been assigned a real IP
>  ( The gateway is and the
>  name server After booting my console starts getting the
>  following message : " is on rl0 but got reply from
>  dc0". What is the error I might be committing ? The local router is
>  located at, but I don't know where to put this
>  information. Despite the message, I am able to access the internet
>  smoothly.

The cables connecting to dc0 and rl0 are both connected to the same
switch/hub, yes? Why?
I think you have a connection to the Internet also connected to the
switch, yes?

>  Further, I am trying to set up qmail as the MTA. Qmail apparantly
>  needs svscan from the daemontools port to be running. My rc.local
>  calls /usr/local/bin/svscanboot& at system startup, but when I do
> 'ps -waux | grep svscan', I get nothing. A few qmail processes are
> however running. How do I get svscan to start ?

RTFM for qmail, I guess. I only know about Exim - ;)

Seriously though, if you look at /usr/local/etc/rc.d/, you'll
probably see that you need to add the following to /etc/rc.conf:


If you do that, you need to edit rc.local and remove that svscan entry.

It's my guess, sir.

>  My rc.conf, inetd.conf, hosts  and /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ files are attached.

They did not get attached, as is protocol on most lists. You need to
include them in-line in the message body.


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