HP 4M plus network printer question

Jonathan Chen jonc at chen.org.nz
Thu Dec 8 23:40:34 PST 2005

On Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 10:50:51PM -0800, Dave Webster wrote:

> Everthing's printing fine now.  But I do have another question.  I'm
> using DHCP on the server to assign IP addresses to the hp printer, the
> LAN FBSD and hopefully another LAN FBSD for my kids.  How do you put the
> IP addresses in /etc/hosts if they are assigned dynamically without
> having to edit /etc/hosts evertime the lease assignment changes?

You can configure your DHCP server to assign a particular IP address
for a MAC address. If you're using the isc-dhcp server, this can be
done the following entry in /usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf:

    host hpprinter
        hardware ethernet 00:12:23:56:78:9a;

You'll have put in the correct MAC and IP address.
Jonathan Chen <jonc at chen.org.nz>
"If you wish your merit to be known, acknowledge that of other people"

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