Mounting a linux partition under freebsd

Björn König bjoern.koenig at
Thu Dec 1 07:17:40 PST 2005

Guillaume R. schrieb:

> I can't mount a linux partition under freebsd with the -t ext3fs
> option could someone explain me how I could mount a linux partition
> under freebsd?

FreeBSD has limited support for ext2, therefore you can mount it as ext2 
filesystem only. You can "convert" the filesystem between ext2 and ext3 
without data loss by just executing fsck. Run fsck.ext2 from the 
"e2fsprogs" package first. Now you can mount it with mount_ext2fs and 
access data. Finally after you have unmounted it you need run fsck.ext3 
to recreate the filesystem journal.

> I got an other question: how could I obtain a human readable output of
> fdisk to know the content in terms of partition of my disk?

In case you get used to use linux fdisk, you might get lucky with the 
ncurses based program cfdisk-linux from the "linuxfdisk" package. ;-)


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