rsync and moving files [Re: backup w/ snapshots]

Svein Halvor Halvorsen svein-freebsd-questions at
Wed Aug 31 07:14:08 GMT 2005

* Charles Swiger [2005-08-30 10:49 -0400]
>  On Aug 30, 2005, at 3:32 AM, Svein Halvor Halvorsen wrote:
>  > Yes, that's correct! But let's say I keep more than one snapshot around. I
>  > maybe didn't mention this, but this the sole purpose of using snapshots;
>  > for me to have more full backups laying around.
>  A snapshot on the same disk does not qualify as a reliable backup of 
>  your data. Using rsync to copy a tree of stuff to another machine 
>  would.

Please read the entire thread. I use rsync to mirror my disks remotely, 
then make snapshots on that remote computer. The snapshots are mounted 
read-only and nfs-exported back to the original computer.

This satisfies both the need for offsite sorage of backups, the need for 
invremental backups and the need for all previous backups to be randomly 
accessible from the original computer.

Thanks for your consern, though.

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