GbE NICs besides em (recommendation wanted)

Giorgos Keramidas keramida at
Tue Aug 30 23:55:43 GMT 2005

On 2005-08-31 00:46, Emanuel Strobl <Emanuel.strobl at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm quiet disappointed with the em nics and wanted to try some other GigaBit
> NICs (1000baseTX only).  AFAIK there are re, sk, bge driven cards. Which
> doesn't saturate a PIII at 800 at 200mbit/s with interrupt load (like em does)?
> I heard that the re is way better than the not so well rl and although much
> cheaper than em more efficient.  What about bge? Or sk? Any comments
> welcome, also if I missed a supported family (TX only)

I recently bought a re(4) NIC to replace the unsupported on-board NIC of a
motherboard.  I've only had access to 100 Mbit/s connections so far though,
so I can't tell for sure how it behaves in Gbit/s links.

FWIW, it works like a charm in the 100 Mbit/s network I've used it so far.

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