How to get /etc/ssh back

albi at albi at
Tue Aug 30 21:15:27 GMT 2005

On Tue, 30 Aug 2005 16:04:32 -0500
"Sean P. Malone" <smalone at> wrote:

> I "mistakenly" deleted /etc/ssh along with all of the keyfiles and, most 
> importantly, ssd_config.  I was attempting to completely 
> remove/reinstall openssh.
> I've tried both the port and package.  The install program doesn't 
> complain that there is no /etc/ssh.  I had assumed that it would create 
> it but it evidently does not.
> The system does ask for entropy upon the next reboot but the generation 
> of the keys and startup of sshd fail since there is no /etc/ssh.
> If the install program doesn't create /etc/ssh, what does and how do I 
> get it back?

first of all, /etc/ssh is the config-home of the "base" ssh that comes
with FreeBSD by default (so you can use "make world" to get it back")

however the openssh-portable port is storing these config-files
in /usr/local/etc/ssh, if you want to switch to the port instead of the
base-system ssh, then do the following :

(see also : /usr/share/examples/etc/defaults/rc.conf)

after this is working well, imo it's a good idea to
remove /usr/sbin/sshd and /usr/bin/ssh* and /etc/ssh (or
replace them with symlinks to the port-binaries etc.)


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