setting up 2 VIRTUAL_HOSTS under mailman.

Gary Kline kline at
Tue Aug 30 00:54:15 GMT 2005

On Mon, Aug 29, 2005 at 07:08:13PM -0400, Chuck Swiger wrote:
> Gary Kline wrote:
> >	If none of the mailman gurus here want to bother with it, 
> >	ok, I'll re-singup to the mailman lists.  I just want to
> >	set up two virtual lists. I can usually get more out of 
> >	reading the src code than the documentation, and
> >	Mailman/ was
> >
> >
> >	into which I added {'', ''}
> The comment before explains:
> # Set up your virtual host mappings here.  This is primarily used for the
> # thru-the-web list creation, so its effects are currently fairly limited.
> # Use add_virtualhost() call to add new mappings.  The keys are strings as
> # determined by Utils.get_domain(), the values are as appropriate for
> VIRTUAL_HOMES={'': '', 
> '': ''}
> ...where realname is the hostname of the listserver machine running 
> Mailman. You can probably use regexs like '*' as a key, too.

	Thanks for the datapoints.  I'm new to mailinglists, mailman
	esp'ly, so don't understand the comment entirely.  Is he saying
	that I can, via the web (
	create a virtual host?  grepping -r thru the code, I can see
	where my FQDN is.  Hardcoded.  (sage is my webserver.)  Seems 
	like hardcoding it either in Defaults or in mm_cfg is the better
	way of adding new mappings.

	Oh: {virt ":" real "," virt ":" real} is syntax I didn't know of.


   Gary Kline     kline at     Public service Unix

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