rsync and moving files [Re: backup w/ snapshots]

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at
Mon Aug 29 15:39:38 GMT 2005

Svein Halvor Halvorsen <svein-freebsd-questions at> writes:

> * Svein Halvor Halvorsen [2005-08-28 23:53 +0200]
> >  Does this sound reasonable? Is there any precautions I should take? Are 
> >  there any other tools better suited for the task at hand?
> I'm responding to my own message.
> Let's say I happen to move all music from /music/artist - album/ to 
> /music/artist/album. Even though a local snapshot would handle this well, 
> rsync would create new files on the remote machine, and when I then take a 
> snapshot there, it will be HUGE! 
> Can I resolve this?

dump/restore is the only method I can think of offhand that will
handle this problem.  And even then, those huge moves have to stay
within a single filesystem.

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