cvsup for sourceforge & other similar sites.

Vizion vizion at
Thu Aug 25 23:49:43 GMT 2005

On Thursday 25 August 2005 16:34,  the author Giorgos Keramidas contributed to 
the dialogue on-
 Re: cvsup for sourceforge & other similar sites.: 

>On 2005-08-25 15:40, Vizion <vizion at> wrote:
>> I am wanting to cvs automatically - but I seem to fail to get into
>> sourceforge (either command line or using cron) -- by using cvsup on
>> the ports tree I have become lazy and confused by the cvs manual!! (I
>> do wish freebsd manuals had more detailed examples!!). I used to do
>> this stuff regularly (longer ago than I care to admit) - but it takes
>> time to get back into it!
>I'll try to help, but there are good references at the home page of CVS too
> :)
>> Here are a few of of my tries (as root):
>Not a good idea.  You don't need superuser rights to check out stuff
>from a remote repository.
>> dns1# cvs -f -d :pserver:anonymous at login
>> Logging in to :pserver:anonymous at
>> CVS password:
>> cvs login: warning: failed to open /root/.cvspass for reading: No such
>> file or directory
>> /* Seemed to call for a .cvspass file..
>>   Cant find a way to give a password  interactively so I had better create
>> a file..*/
>> /* So I create a .cvspass with a blank line
>>  -- (Sourceforge demands a blank) */
>Simply running:
>	dns1# touch ~/.cvspass
>should do it.
>> dns1# cp /usr/home/Sysadmin/.cvspass /root/
>> dns1# chown root /root/.cvspass
>> dns1# cvs -f -d :pserver:anonymous at login
>> Logging in to :pserver:anonymous at
>> CVS password:
>> cvs login: warning: skipping invalid entry in password file at line 1
>> /* Which was treated as invalid! */
>It seems the CVSROOT/passwd file of the remote repository is corrupt.
>> dns1# pwd
>> /usr/home/Sysadmin/cvs
>> dns1# ls -l
>> total 0
>> /* Try again adding '.' after eclipseexul */
>> dns1# cvs -f -d :pserver:anonymous at login
>> Logging in to :pserver:anonymous at
>> CVS password:
>> cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from M -!-
>> Client or Server timeout occurred!
>> /*I just seem to get errors from cvs! I guess I need to find out what I am
>> doing wrong*/
>Sourceforge problems, as far as I can tell.


I have taken it up with sourceforge - hopefullty I will get an answer..

Thanks for your time


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