Performance Issues with AMD64 3000+, 1.5GB RAM, FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE

Mark Kane mark at
Thu Aug 25 21:45:04 GMT 2005

Roland Smith wrote:
> Have you checked (with 'atacontrol mode <channel>') that both drives are
> indeed using DMA?

amd64# atacontrol mode 0
Master = UDMA133 [200GB w/ FreeBSD]
Slave  = BIOSPIO
amd64# atacontrol mode 1
Master = BIOSPIO
Slave  = PIO4 [Sony DRU500A DVD+RW]
amd64# atacontrol mode 4
Master = UDMA133 [200GB Storage]
Slave  = BIOSPIO
amd64# atacontrol mode 5
Master = UDMA133 [160GB Storage]
Slave  = BIOSPIO
amd64# atacontrol mode 6
Master = UDMA133 [80GB Storage]
Slave  = BIOSPIO
amd64# atacontrol mode 7
Master = UDMA133 [80GB Storage]
Slave  = BIOSPIO

>>Looks like it is the network card. Would disabling that in the BIOS mess 
>>anything up in FreeBSD? With it disabled I couldn't test the streaming, 
>>but could try playing files.
> I don't really see how, other than having no network. :-)
> If you have a spare machine, you could even try the 6.0 beta release,
> and see if that solves the problem.

Okay, I may try that later then. STABLE is just about done on that 
Athlon XP 2000+ machine.

As for 6.0, I did try it on another drive when I was still 
troubleshooting the DMA stuff. It however introduced new problems such 
as panics and my ethernet controller was no longer recognized.


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