Pine alternative?

Joe Auty joe at
Thu Aug 25 17:25:46 GMT 2005

If you plan to use the Maildir format, while it's possible for Pine  
to support this, it doesn't natively... Mutt does.

On Aug 25, 2005, at 10:51 AM, Svein Halvor Halvorsen wrote:

> * Sean Murphy [2005-08-25 08:47 -0700]
>>  We have been using pine for years on our Sun Solaris box.  We are  
>> in the
>>  process of moving to FreeBSD.  I installed Pine from an updated  
>> ports
>>  collection and received a message about pine not being very  
>> secure.  Is
>>  anyone using an alternative to pine that can also read pine's  
>> folders and
>>  addresses?  I need it to be compatible as we still have many  
>> users with lots
>>  of data in pine.
> I guess mutt would do. But be aware that the notice is warning you  
> about
> Pine's previous security history. All known security holes are  
> fixed, and
> if you plan on keeping your system up-to-date (by e.g keeping track of
> portaudit etc), you should be alright.
> Svein Halvor
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