Performance Issues with AMD64 3000+, 1.5GB RAM, FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE

Kris Kennaway kris at
Thu Aug 25 13:45:18 GMT 2005

On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 10:16:51PM -0500, Mark Kane wrote:
> Hi everyone. Last night I finally worked out some issues with my AMD64 
> machine and got it up and operational. It's an AMD64 3000+ with 1.5GB 
> RAM, and five 7200RPM hard drives (total of 720 gigs) running FreeBSD 
> 5.4-RELEASE (amd64). When doing testing and initial 
> install/configuration of this machine (compiling apps and such) I didn't 
> notice this too much, but now that I'm actually using it this is 
> starting to be noticeable.
> The issue I'm having is that every minute or two, I will hear some 
> stuttering in any audio/video playback (will see the video freeze if 
> video), and my mouse will freeze for a few seconds as well while this 
> happens. It seems to happen more frequently if I have something doing 
> disk I/O, such as downloads running, untarring files, or torrents. Right 
> now, I have the following applications open:

This is a known bug in FreeBSD.  It is fixed in 6.0, and there is a
patch for 5.4 (search on -current from Jeff Roberson), which will be
committed at some point.

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