anonymous ssh forwarding

Chris St Denis chris at
Thu Aug 25 07:27:07 GMT 2005

Something like this may be what you want.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-freebsd-questions at
[mailto:owner-freebsd-questions at] On Behalf Of Toomas Laasik
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 3:21 PM
To: Jonathan Glaschke; questions at
Subject: Re: anonymous ssh forwarding

> Hello,
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2005 at 12:35:24AM +0300, Toomas Laasik wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have the following situation. Our company has a ssh server where users
can connect from only specified static ip addresses. Like I have at home an
ip address and ssh server accepts connections only from it.
> > Now I wan't to get access to that ssh server from places where I don't
have static ip.
> > I already have at home a freebsd server running with simple
configutation. Is it possible to make some kind of tunnel or something so I
could connect to my home freebsd machine that connects to ssh server so that
ssh server 'thinks' that I'm connecting from home?
> >
> > Thank you in advance.
> >
> > Sorry for bad English
> >
> > Toomas
> >
> Why don't you ssh into your home pc with static ip from your pc with
dynamic ip
> and then ssh from your home machine into your "server"?

Using just ssh is no a problem. The machine with dynamic IP has WinXP and
Putty on it. Setting remote command in Putty to "ssh user at"
eliminates even the need to type it in in putty ssh console...
Anyway the problem comes when I want to use FileZilla to make SFTP
connection over SSH2 connection through home computer. I've tried Putty's
tunneling, but the other end of that tunnel is still my home computer even
tho my home computer is connected to www server with ssh.
So my approach is to find out how can I set something up on my home freebsd
machine so that connecting to some port on it, it connects to www server ssh


> Jonathan
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