mail not being delivered

Glenn Dawson glenn at
Sun Aug 21 21:47:27 GMT 2005

At 02:35 PM 8/21/2005, Joe Wood wrote:
>The message has since been deleted and I cannot give an exact message, but
>it says the message has been queued for X days and will be deleted. The
>messages then goes on to show the email that was waiting to be delivered and
>it is what appears to be the security logs, and among the others are various
>cron jobs that failed delivery as well.

That's all typical for that type of message.  Before the copy of the 
message that was undeliverable there should be a line indicating what 
the problem was.

>  I am not sure if this would affect
>it but about a week ago (the same time this started) we were doing some
>reconfigurations on the network and the 3600 series router this machine was
>on. There was about 2 hours of down time and my mailbox was flooded with
>cron jobs not working (which I expected since they are internet related
>jobs) after that all email just stopped.

Depending on what those reconfigurations were, they may or may not be 
related.  This is just a guess, but make sure that the machine in 
question can resolve names properly.


>Sorry for the lack of information
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Glenn Dawson [mailto:glenn at]
>Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2005 5:07 PM
>To: Joe Wood; freebsd-questions at
>Subject: Re: mail not being delivered
>At 01:56 PM 8/21/2005, Joe Wood wrote:
> >I am running fbsd 5.4, this server has been up for about 70 days and just
> >recently (maybe within the last 4 days) I have not been receiving the usual
> >security and daily summery reports, but every 2 or 3 days I will get the
> >message undeliverable email. Is there any reason why I would not be able to
> >get these anymore?
>What does the "undeliverable" message say?  If you're not sure how to
>interpret it, someone on the list probably can.  Without that
>information, all anyone can do is guess what the problem might be.
> >
> >
> >Thanks
> >
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