Few simple questions..

Eric Murphy eam404 at earthlink.net
Sun Aug 21 18:22:03 GMT 2005

Are you usre mixer will do all the channels? I dont see anything in it that would allow me to change speaker volumes?

-----Original Message-----
From: Svein Halvor Halvorsen <svein-freebsd-questions at theloosingend.net>
Sent: Aug 21, 2005 9:51 AM
To: Eric Murphy <eam404 at earthlink.net>
Cc: freebsd-questions at freebsd.org
Subject: Re: Few simple questions..

* Eric Murphy [2005-08-21 01:50 -0500]
>  Hey guys I use gnuls for colorizing my outputs such as ls..ect.. its 
>  really just an alias.
>  So if it doesnt read /etc how can I set global colors (for all users) 
>  for a interactive shell that isnt a login shell? Without creating 
>  ~/.bashrc's in each home directory.

While this is not what you're asking, I would advise you to set the 
CLICOLOR environment variable to YES. This makes bsd-ls output in color. 

To use bsd-ls on a bsd-system make alot more sense than to use gnu-ls, 
since gnu-ls doesn't know about certain things about the UFS filesystem. 
Ie. it won't recognize the -o option.

I set these eniromnet variable in login.conf:


The first make bsd-ls output in colors, and the other makes bsd-ls output 
about the same colors that gnu-ls does.

>  Im useing the emu10k1 driver and have sound comming out of all my 
>  speakers (includeing the sub) is there a way to adjust each channel? 
>  Maybe some sort of advanced mixer??

mixer(8) will do that.

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